

  1. Dedicate some time for checking the labels: look at ingredients and harmful substances. You can easily download a free E-Codes application on your smartphone
  2. Be aware of the traffic lights on product packaging
  3. Limit artificially coloured juices, sweets and other colourful foods
  4. Limit “energizing” and “slimming” drinks
  5. Choose wholegrain bread; avoid white bread
  6. Try to buy seasonal vegetables and fruits from ecological stalls
  7. Avoid products with popular sodium glutamate (E621)
  8. Buy meat and fish from checked sources
  9. Avoid refined oils and processed food
  10. Buy eggs marked 1 or 0, avoid those marked with 3
  11. Avoid tins or plastic bottles that contain bisphenol, choose the one marked as BPA free
  12. Buy and consume fresh green vegetables twice a week (40% of their nutrients drop within 4 days of purchase)

5 Rules of healthy diet

  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Eat regularly
  3. Include starchy carbohydrate food and grains
  4. Aim for at least 4 portions of vegetables and fruits daily
  5. Cut down on fat, salt and sugar